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It’s a step by step proces.
We use the out of the box tools to bust creativity
We meet discuss, work on new ideas. The draft version are raw, but needed to develop the future campaigns. Stay tuned to see the final versions.
“I really appreciated your initiative to involve young people in the field of international cooperation through workshops. It was very interesting to understand how international organisations work and, thanks to teamwork, we were able to create and develop a European campaign.” “Well done!”
“While I was aware of the dangers of disinformation before the game, creating a campaign solving the problem, allowed me to really understand how difficult thing it is to tackle”
“It was interesting and very informative activity, i enjoyed participating and creating campaign”
Children in Székesfehérvár schools came up with very different ideas for the campaigns. The teams worked well together and enjoyed presenting their campaigns. Feedback showed that they really liked the fact that they were able to select possible themes for their campaign ideas. The evaluation of the campaigns took place in different ways. Some teachers gave the winning teams different gifts, such as homemade cookies. Further feedback showed that the children are very aware of the dangers of pseudo-news and are quite good at dealing with them on their own. This was also reflected in the development of the campaigns.
Teenagers met in Poland, Katowice for after school workshop. Thank’s to collaboration with locals institutions like house if culture and NGOs we could gathered the young individuals strongly interested in social issue in the region. They were not only working on campaigns but also on new relationships as they didn’t know each other before. After the session they said that this initiative is quite different from the others offered by schol as they know they are part of international community.
The game consists in developing a product/proposal/campaign to fight Fake News within the groups, collectively designed following concrete steps which define a proposal as innovative.
Step 0 : Participants in each team present themselves and decide a team name
Step 1 : Creation of the the campaign / project idea
Step 2 : Development of tools for the involvement of the target group (people over 55)
Step 3 : Defining the planned activities step by step
Step 4 : Define what is needed and how to provide that
Step 5 : Tell the story: communication as strategy to share the main essence of the proposal and its added value
Trainers, teachers, youth workers and educators were personally trained on the “Out of the box” game, originally developed with the Erasmus+ project of the same name.
Learning outcomes
• awareness raising;
• active participation, implication;
• collective thinking and creation;
• creativity and co-construction;
• capacity of making a needs analysis;
• dialogue, consensus and decisions making;
• communication and visibility competences;
As a result,at the end of the game sessions, 32 campaigns/projects have been developed in 8 countries on these following topics, all related to Fake News:
- Migration and Refugees: Labor market: inclusion of migrant workers in the European Union
- Islamophobia: Discrimination towards Muslim women for wearing the headscarf in schools or workplaces
- Environment: EU Member States’ actions in the fight against climate change
- Fake News: Misinformation in the age of the information society
Then, the elected representatives for each of the 32 groups met at national level in order to share the best practices developed within the game sessions and agree on a new and unique idea for each country.